the picture of dorian gray

by mattie tindall and hannah chaikin based on the novel by oscar wilde

Duration: 100 minutes Characters: 4 women, 5 men, 2 any

When a breathtakingly-beautiful and innocent young man, Dorian Gray, has a portrait painted of him, he is struck by how fleeting his youth is. He wishes that he could stay young and handsome forever and that the portrait would grow old and ugly instead. And it does.

Production History

  • Hollins University

    Main Stage Theater

    March 2023

    Dir. by Mattie Tindall and Hannah Chaikin

    Creative team: Vic Lucas, Arne Johnson, Madeleine Herbert, Sara Clark, Callie Russell, Mary Zaengle, Deirdre Price, and Chloe Reiderich

    Cast: Emerson Biesecker, Joce Clark, Jay Collier, Leia Hernandez, Uisce Howton, Katie Lê, Megan Pickell, Aves Lewis, Sam Mundy, Oliver Napier, Fae Timm, Zoe Raba


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