
Person smiling in front of a large fountain at night, cityscape in background.

hi my name is mattie and i am a capricorn sun, cancer moon, and leo rising. here are some things i like:

i like writing plays and music and poems and essays

i like beer and mountains and sunsets and stars

i like stories and laughter and dance and art and community and collaboration and love

i love developing new art and supporting new artists. if you’re an artist looking for support – whether that’s organizing projects, building your audience, or just figuring out the next step – let’s talk. current clients include hip-hop/rapper Kid Wolf and visual artist Anonymous Cowgirl.

i’m also a founding member and literary advisor for the artist’s collective Living Room Floor, which you should definitely check out

mostly i write, sometimes i direct, and if you ask nicely, i’ll act.

let’s create something together, okay?